CBD stands for cannabidiol, one of many naturally occurring compounds found in Hemp. As a natural regulator, CBD feeds the Endocannabinoid System in our bodies. This system is known for supporting the mind and body in various ways: from anxiety & sleep to pain & inflammation, this system can help, and it is fed by CBD.
CBD stands for cannabidiol which is found in hemp and known for supporting our body and mind in many ways. CBD specifically comes from the flower and leaves of the hemp plant. Ours is an all bud formula so we do not have sticks, stalks, leaves or branches in our formulas. Just Bud. Please don’t confuse this with oil from hemp seeds, which contain negligible levels of cannabinoids. They are completely different. You ask, why does it work? Well for starts, all mammals have vast network of receptors, called the endocannabinoid system, which helps us to maintain overall wellness and keep many of our physical processes moving in the right direction. CBD stimulates the receptors, helping the body complete its efforts to keep us in good health.
Hemp extract and CBD are different. The amount of hemp extract listed includes the total amount of cannabinoids (including CBD, CBC, CBN, THC and more than 80 other cannabinoids) plus other beneficial plant compounds.